office hours
Monday to Friday - 8:45 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday - Closed (as of March 1, 2014) |
Safe specializes in storage of computer records for
companies that store their vital information in diskettes,
fiches, tapes, or any computer media, and thus are liable
to suffer heavy losses if their computer media is lost,
destroyed or damaged by human error, sabotage, fire
floods, accidents, or changes in temperature and humidity.
the computer age has indeed simplified corporate functions,
new dangers loom for automated firms: 90% of the companies
that suffered serious interruptions to their data processing
go out of business. When company survival is at stake,
the only way to protect invaluable information is to
store a duplicate set of data off premises. This fact
is known by all managers of computers centers and is
validated by every responsible auditing firm, for they
know that simply maintaining a duplicate set in a "safe
place" on premises is inadequate, even if you have
a safe in your company...
are the only firm in Puerto Rico that offers Island-based
companies the special controlled and safe storage area
you need to keep your back-up since 1983. International
Safe Deposit & Courier Services Corp. is committed
with safety and security at levels where company warehouses,
and even banking facilities could never be. Our firm
spares no effort in offering the business and industrial
community in Puerto Rico, the safest environment possible
for storing your back-up media.
Lunes a Viernes 9:00 am a 4:00 pm